
Revision as of 19:13, 18 November 2020 by Zira (talk | contribs) (Biology)

The Brech'mar (brek'mɑ:r) are the people of Brecha, the Goddess of Earth, and were given mastery over her element by bonding their souls with the earth elemental spirit [[Gnome]. They are a short, stout, and hearty people who make their homes in the mountains of Kalesten and Thiskel--primarily in subterranean cities supported by agricultural villages on the surface. They are known for their exquisite metalwork that is often traded with neighboring elemental races. The Brech'mar are a proud, independent people with strong warriors but are also known for their hospitality and appreciation for food and culture.


On the surface, the Brech'mar look very different from the other elemental races, many of which are known for their refined beauty and height. In comparison, the Brech'mar are exceptionally short with broad, sturdy frames that carry more fat than their cousins, and are often more hirsute.

Their ears are also much less prominent than many of the other elemental races. Rather than having the long, tapered ears, Brech'mar have ears that lay flat against the side of their head with a two to three inch upward tilted point. These ears do not have the mobility of the tapered ears of the other elemental races, instead being more like human ears. Their hearing may be less acute in an open environment, compared to the other elemental races, but their hearing is marginally better than humans. Hearing is not as important a trait in their subterranean environment as many rely more on vibrations through the earth.

Brech'mar have enhanced night vision in comparison to many of the elemental races and humans, especially those whose eyes are accustomed to the subterranean dark as miners. They have a [i]tapetum lucidum[/i]<ref>'Tapetum lucidum'</ref>






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Gender and Relationships


