
The ability of an oracle, while similar to precognition, is actually unique. The ability to have visions of the future is not a prerequisite to being an oracle. Though some oracles are also seers, the true ability of an oracle is a profound comprehension of the workings of Fate, giving them the talent to interpret Fate’s course, and even to affect it to a degree (beyond simply making different choices). While it is classified as a psychic ability, the source is actually in the soul, so it is an ability that is inherited by every incarnation of the same soul.

The strength of the talent varies by soul, but as with precognition, the ability is strongest in young virgin females between the ages of 13-18. This is not to say that males, older women, and non-virginal women cannot have the ability, even to great extent, it is simply most common in youth. Though, when it comes to souls that have an especially strong oracle talent, gender, age, and sexual status play little role. While some oracles peek in their youth, yet others maintain the ability until late in life. The Temples of Fate which train and house oracles only accept virgin females, admitting them in youth and allowing them to maintain a position in the temple until their ability to interpret Fate is lost. In cultures outside of the reach of the Temple of Fate, oracles often find roles as seers, soothsayers, fortune tellers, augurs, and other similar titles in their communities.

The Collective Unconscious

Both abilities tied to foretelling the future (oracles and precognition) require a certain degree of whimsy and introspection on behalf of the one foretelling. Being able to daydream and fantasize within one’s self opens one to the Collective Unconscious, which is an ocean of thought from all sentient beings in Aserra. Teenage girls, their minds coming into adulthood, and as of yet, unburdened by the duties of marriage and children, are able to daydream and fantasize and draw into themselves, connecting them to the Collective Unconscious.

The Collective Unconscious is hard to quantify, and nearly impossible to consciously reach out to. However, the information provided from the Collective filters into the minds of precognitives and oracles alike, and manifests in their ability to foretell the future in one way or another; whether that is through dream-like visions or the comprehension of Fate’s will that oracles possess.


Oracles often foretell the future by using an object as a medium. Items such as bones, dice, cards, or stones are cast down and the oracle interprets the meaning from the results. Only the oracle doing the casting can interpret the result, as the items she uses are infused with her unique spiritual energy, and she has her own perception of what the results mean. Even to another oracle, a few bones cast by another may be as meaningless to her as it is to a non-oracle.

Oracles may have visions if they have the ability for precognition as well, and visions may occur during sleep or meditation. An oracle with precognition will likely rely on this as a means for her fortune-telling, and with focus and training can bring forth visions through a meditative state. Other oracles without the natural ability for visions may turn to intoxicants that will induce visions. Some temples are built in the mountains where ethylene gas seeps out of the ground. Breathing in this gas can cause visions, as can a few other natural compounds. Ethylene gas and other drugs are often dangerous to the health of the oracles in the long run.