Spirit mediums

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Spirit mediums are individuals who can perceive and see spirits without the aid of a magical apparatus. The very definition of the term makes a medium a bridge between the human world and spirit worlds, but it is not just a skill for communicating with spirits and ghosts, but also the “spirits” of trees, rivers, rocks, etc.; essentially the ability to “talk” to mana itself. While on the surface, many mediums are easily aware of ghosts and spirits (such as fae, elemental spirits, higher spirits, etc.), it takes greater dedication and training to connect to the spiritual side of the world beyond that. In many ways, the ability of spirit medium can mimic and merge into other psychic abilities. Being a spirit medium is kind of like having a free pass to every language in the world because it’s empathic in its own way.

The ability is largely genetic, but it can be learned by those dedicated enough to devote themselves to developing it. The genetic trait can skip generations unpredictably, sometimes skipping only one, but other times skipping five or more until suddenly a new medium is born. Typically, family lines with strong mediums will continue to produce strong mediums, even if a generation or two skip out on the talent.