
Acoassa is the Goddess of Order and direct opposite of Sai’ras, the Goddess of Chaos. She is the daughter of Idraen and Brecha. After the War of the Gods, Idraen felt the need to counter Ispa’s children’s influence on the world by conceiving new gods. Acoassa and Saeven were the two children born of this endeavor.

Acoassa symbolizes balance and law, but some of her teachings are the most corruptible. Some followers of Acoassa pursue their idea of justice with so much zeal that they create laws to strip people of civil liberties and control every aspect of their lives. Nations throughout Kalesten and Thiskel have churches dedicated to Acoassa which work hand in hand with the lawmakers of their respective nations, acting as courthouses for the nation.


Acoassa is a woman of a sturdy build with a plump hourglass figure. Her hair is brown, her skin fair, and her eyes orange. She has short tapered ears and a pair of golden wings with white tips upon her back. In depictions of her, most commonly in sculpture, Acoassa is represented as a scale, with her arms spread wide and a chain wrapped around her arms and draped across her shoulder while she grips the ends in her hand, both dangling a pair of scales.


Acoassa has one child, Hela, the Muse of Epic Poetry, fathered by Essan.